Foxy ABC Discussion Questions

Hey all you Foxy Fanatics! Here are some questions mainly geared for children ages 3-5 to get them thinking, engaged and aware of their own surroundings, habits or people in their lives. For ages 3-5 read the book during the day and ask the questions below (trust me on this, you don’t want to try this at night) or use it as a bedtime story and marvel at the photographs. For ages 6+ use the book in the classroom for vocabulary lessons, remedial reading exercises, encouraging your students to do further research on foxes or challenge their artsy side to create poems, drawings or utilize other media to explore the life of the fox. Don’t be surprised if the kids start asking a bunch of questions that forces YOU to want to learn more about foxes too! Enjoy the book and feel free to contact me Vicki Paulas at with any burning fox questions or a much appreciated book review.

Remember to get outside and investigate the natural world because you never know what kind of wildlife is lurking nearby!

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…Is for Agility

What activities do you like to do outside? What parts of your body can you move side to side or up and down? Can you run, jump, swim or crawl?

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…Is for Bark

Can you make different sounds with your mouth opened and closed? Can your pet dog bark like a fox? Can you make your voice high and squeaky like a mouse or can you make it deep and low like a foghorn?

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...Is for Cache

Do you like to play hide and seek? Do you always remember where you hide toys or candy in your house? Do you always eat all your food at meal time? What do you do with your leftovers?

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...Is for Den

What are your favorite items in your house? Do you have a favorite place where you like to take a nap or eat a snack? What do you do to help out around your house?

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...Is for Ears

Can you hear insects? What noises don’t you like to hear? Do you have hair in your ears? Where are your earlobes? Can you wiggle your ears without using your hands?

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...Is for Fur

What color is your hair? Is your hair long or short? How do you keep yourself warm in the winter? Do you have straight or curly hair?

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...Is for Gekkering

What language(s) do you speak? Do you like to make funny noises with your friends and family? Do you like to sing songs or enjoy music class? Do you have funny dance moves?

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...Is for Habitat

Do you live in the country or the city? Do you live in an apartment or house? What kinds of wildlife do you have living around your home? If you were an animal, where would you want to live--desert, forest or ocean?

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...Is for Iris

What color are your eyes? Do people have round or slit pupils? (Pupils are the black part in the middle of the eye)? Do your pupils get bigger or smaller in bright light? (Look in the mirror and see if your pupils shrink in the light.)

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...Is for Jaw

How many teeth do you have? Do you have canines? Feel your teeth and see if they are sharp and pointy. Look in the mirror and count how many teeth you have. What happens to your baby teeth? Do all animals eat meat? What else do they eat? Do some just eat meat? Do some just eat plants? Do some eat both?

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...Is for Kit

Do you have a nickname? What is another name we call children that starts with a “K”? Does your hair change color as you get older? What’s another name for a baby cat, dog or rabbit?

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...Is for Litter

How many brothers and/or sisters do you or your parents have? What kinds of games do you like playing with your siblings? Count how many people live in your house.

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...Is for Mange

Have you ever had a cold? Who do you go to see when you have a cold? Does your skin get itchy from bug bites? Have you ever had a pet die and how did it make you feel?

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...Is for Nose

What color is your nose? What are your favorite things to smell inside your house? What is your favorite thing to smell outdoors? What other animal besides a fox can smell stinky?

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...Is for Orange

Name three things that are orange. What other colors are found in fox fur? What color are fox kits when they are first born? Are all foxes the same color?

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...Is for Paws

How many feet and hands do you have? How many fingers do you have on each hand? How many toes do you have all together? What color are your finger and toe nails?

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...Is for Quirky

What is something weird, strange or fun that you like to do? Do you like to walk around the house in your Halloween costume or do you like to build forts with blankets and chairs? Do you like to collect things like bugs, rocks or dolls?

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...Is for Rodent

What are your favorite foods? Do you eat meat and what do you like better hot dogs, hamburgers or chicken nuggets? What’s your favorite snack food? Where do you get your food—supermarket, farmer’s market or both? Do you grow your own food? What is your favorite vegetable?

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...Is for Scent

What is your favorite thing to smell food-wise? Do you like the smell of certain flowers? If you don’t take a bath for a few days are you stinky? Have you ever smelled a wet dog?

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...Is for Tail

Name three other animals that have tails. Can foxes have another color besides white on the end of its tail? When are fox tails the fluffiest—winter or summer? What piece of clothing do you wear over your nose and mouth to keep warm?

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...Is for Urine

Does every animal pee? What color is pee? Does pee smell? What happens if you drink too much water?

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...Is for Vulpes vulpes

What is your full name? Do you have a middle name? Do you know the real names of your parents besides mom/dad etc.? A female fox is called a vixen but what is a male fox called?

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...Is for Whisker

Name three other animals with whiskers. Where else do you have hair on your body besides your head? Did you know someone who has a moustache or beard? Are your eyelashes soft or hard to the touch?

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...Is for X Marks the Spot

Did you ever go on a scavenger hunt to look for hidden treasure? Would you rather be the “X” or “O” when playing tic-tac-toe?

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...Is for You

Besides picking up trash, what else can you do to help the environment? What is something nice you can do for wildlife living around your house? Would you like to work a job that helps out animals?

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...Is for Zoo

Have you ever gone to the zoo? Name one thing you liked about the zoo. Why do some animals have to live at the zoo?